1. Chapters/
  2. 2. Laminar flow/

Fig 24. Circular cylinder at R=1.54

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“At this Reynolds number the streamline pattern has clearly lost the fore-and-aft symmetry of figure 6. However, the flow has not yet separated at the rear. That begins at about R=5, though the value is not known accurately. Streamlines are made visible by aluminum powder in water.” Photograph by Sadathoshi Taneda

General Info>

General Info #

This post is part of a series on flow separation, studied for the case of flow past a circular cylinder at different Reynolds numbers. In the current figure, it is clearly visible that the flow is still attached to the cylinder and therefore separation did not occur yet.

The main theory and simulation and visualization set-up are discussed in the web post from Figure 42. The full series is:

An overview of these posts can be viewed here:

Contributed by:

Job Somhorst
Bachelor Mechanical Engineering student at TU/e